The eighth discriminating factor - Second part

2. The new democracy revolutions

giovedì 18 ottobre 2007.

  1. The long lasting revolutionary popular war
  2. The new democracy revolutions
  3. The class’ struggle in the socialist society
  4. The mass line
  5. The struggle between the two lines in the communist party

The communist strategy in the colonial and semi colonial countries oppressed by imperialism.


The first wave of the proletarian revolution and the development of imperialism have made mature further the conditions of the democratic revolution in the colonial and semi colonial countries where the majority of humanity is living. They also have made advance some of the most important conditions for its success. The workers engaged in the capitalist firms are more numerous. The cultural level and the organizational capability are enormously grown. A great revolutionary experience has been accumulated during the first wave of the proletarian revolution and the struggle that eliminated the colonial system. In many countries communist parties and groups are working. In many of them (Peru, Colombia, Philippines, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Turkey) popular revolutionary wars are going on, and in many others there are strong revolutionary movements. The defeat of the old colonial system and the failure of neo-colonialism irreversibly changed the situation. At last the financial capital destroyed on a larger scale the conditions that make possible the miserable survival of the other workers that it deprives with taxes, interests, duties, fares, monopoly prices. The general crisis of absolute overproduction of capital clutches the imperialist groups in competition among them and pushes them to invade and plunder more deeply and to attack again the oppressed countries openly. The “bomber politics” repeats the “civilizing enterprises” of the “gunboat politics” of the beginning of the 20th century more powerfully and fiercely. It confirms to all the peoples the “superiority of the Christian civilization”, personified by the conflicting couple Bush-Woityla: the executioner that kills and the chaplain that comforts. The imperialist groups make endless claims everywhere. Their arrogance is as more open as greater is the resistance to satisfy those claims. The agitation that grows in all oppressed countries rises from this ground. The rebellion smoldering in these countries, that more and more frequently explodes, is a manifestation of the great steps forward done by humanity during the first wave of the proletarian revolution. It manifests also the better conditions with which it faces up the second wave. The decay of the old communist movement and the imperialism’s attack has erased only a part of the conquest obtained, while the new and growing claims of the imperialist groups and of its puppets and local agents are made objectively contradictory and subjectively intolerable (15) . Just this pushes them to claim with more open and intolerant arrogance, with more powerful weapons and violent terrorism. The class struggle becomes more acute as more the capitalism get near its end, although in detail events and line-ups do not follow all the instructions of our manuals.

Owing to all this the colonial and semi-colonial countries assume a more important role in the advancing new wave of the proletarian, in its preparation and development (16) , in comparison to the role that they had in the first wave. Already today the colonial and semi-colonial countries are giving an important contribution to the development of the second wave of the proletarian revolution. At the moment the bloodiest battles are fought there. The struggle for the affirmation of Maoism as third higher stage of the communist thought in the communist movement has been launched by the Peruvian Communist Party and by its president Gonzalo.

The communist parties of the colonial and semi-colonial countries exercise a great influence on the formation of the new communist parties all over the world. Thanks to the blows inflicted to the imperialist groups’ interests, the political movement of the colonial and semi-colonial countries increasingly feeds the political movement of the imperialist countries and accelerates it. Whoever be the promoters, organizers, executors, the attempts of the 11th September at New York and Washington are also effect of the movement of rebellion of the colonial and semi-colonial countries. Or the promoters come from there, or the US imperialist groups started a “strategy of tension” on a world level in order to be at the head of the series of blows inflicted to their interests
in the Arabian countries.

The colonial and semi-colonial countries start from more advanced positions. The struggle against the racial discrimination, the national oppression and the discrimination and the oppression of the women also starts from more advanced positions. This contributes to assure that with the second wave of the proletarian revolution the exploited classes, peoples and nations and the oppressed races and the women will reach successes and conquests greater than those reached during the first wave.

The revolution in the colonial and semi-colonial countries is so important that some groups and parties, also in the imperialist countries are carried to believe that it (and not the socialist revolution in the imperialist countries) is the first drive of the new wave of the proletarian revolution on a world level. They believe that this is the ground where, after all, the final result will be decided. On the whole this conception is wrong. The contradiction between oppressed and imperialist countries, as the contradiction among the imperialist countries, in determinate phases of the second wave assumes the main role. But on the whole of the second wave the contradiction between working class and imperialist bourgeoisie has the main role. First of all the proletarian revolution is socialist revolution. This wrong thesis strengthens the undervaluation of the revolutionary potentialities of the working class and of the popular masses of the imperialist countries. Therefore it has a negative effect on the revolutionary activity of the communists of the imperialist countries and after all weakens all the revolutionary movement.

In the greatest part of the oppressed countries the developing revolution is by its nature a democratic revolution. Its principal tasks are: 1. the elimination of the feudal rests and of the other forms of economy founded on personal relations of dependence and oppression, and 2. the liberation from the imperialist domination, therefore the struggle against imperialism and its local agents (the bourgeoisie compradora and bureaucratic).

The strategy of the new democracy revolution is the only one that makes possible to carry out the revolution completely in the oppressed countries and lead it towards success. It is a democratic revolution directed by the working class through its communist party. It is part of the world proletarian revolution and creates the condition to begin the socialist transformation of the society.

Mao Tse-tung developed the Lenin’s conception about the alliance between workers and farmers, about the alliance among workers of the metropolis and oppressed peoples of the colonies and semi-colonies and about the two stages of revolution. It elaborated a systematic and relatively complete doctrine of the new democracy revolution and to its development in socialist revolution. Therefore also in this way the Maoism is proving to be the third higher stage of communist thought.

-  The five main contributions of Maoism to communist thought

  1. The long lasting revolutionary popular war
  2. The new democracy revolutions
  3. The class’ struggle in the socialist society
  4. The mass line
  5. The struggle between the two lines in the communist party


15. The thesis that the colonial and semi colonial countries have had an absolute regression in comparison with the “past”, can be supported only by who ignores, hides or beautifies the wickedness of the natural economy, of the slave and feudal society and of the old colonialism. Otherwise, this thesis arbitrarily generalizes particular phenomena and cases, limited to some zones, to relatively short periods, to relatively limited sectors.

16. We remember the revolutions in China, Mexico, Persia, Afghanistan, Turkey, Sudan and in other colonial and semi colonial countries that at the beginning of the twentieth century contributed to prepare the first wave of the proletarian revolution.